Youth on the Move project

Marseille event

2634 visualizacións 17 de set. de 2013

Move to achieve – degree, new job, training, your own business. Every year the European Union supports more than 400,000 young people to work , train and study abroad.
This website lists a complete range of EU tools to help your dreams become reality.

Fronteiras internas en Europa?

Alvaro Torres Domínguez - Estudante de Publicidade e RR.PP.

The Importance of the vote

Manuel Fernando Avila Cabezas - Estudante de 3º de Publicidade e RRPP

Don’t be quite go and vote

Marseille event

Manuel Fernando Avila Cabezas - Estudante de 3º de Publicidade e RRPP

Your Ideals and believes representing by the vote

Marseille event

Manuel Fernando Avila Cabezas - Estudante de 3º de Publicidade e RRPP


Cristina López - Alumna

European Radio Network

Manuel José Fernández Iglesias - Vicerreitor de Relacións Internacionais