Generation of human induced pluripotent stem cell lines from patients with hand osteoathritis


11 visualizacións 26 de xuño de 2018

First day focused on the advances related to the diagnosis of diseases.
second day focused on therapies for cancer, neurological or neurodegenerative diseases.
The Symposium brings together more than 200 researchers from Europe and the United States (121 women and 87 men) and comprises a total of 20 papers, ten guest speakers or ten other new researchers, as well as 45 scientific poster sessions.

Dª Rocío Casro Viñuelas
Department of Biomedical Sciences, medicine and physiotherapy, Universidade da Coruña

Intervention of Ms. Sara Núñez Sánchez

Sara Núñez Sánchez - Scientific and Organizing Committee:

Intervention of Mr. Jesús M. Miguez Miramontes

Jesús Míguez Miramontes - Decano da Facultade de Bioloxía.

Intervention of Ms. África González Fernández

África González - Directora del Centro De Investigaciones Biomédicas (CINBIO)

Intervention of Ms. Belén Rubio Armesto

Belén Rubio Armesto - Decana de Ciencias do Mar

Presentation of the lecturer Mr. José Luis Mascareñas Cid

José Luis Mascareñas Cid - Catedrático de química organica. Director Científico CIQUS

Metal-based tools in chemical biology and biomedicine


José Luis Mascareñas Cid - Catedrático de química organica. Director Científico CIQUS

(Questions) Metal-based tools in chemical biology and biomedicine

José Luis Mascareñas Cid - Catedrático de química organica. Director Científico CIQUS

Presentation by the lecturer Dr. Alexandr Missiul

Alexandr Missiul - Sincotrón ALBA. Barcelona, Spain

ALBA synchrotron capabilities for biomedical studies


Alexandr Missiul - Sincotrón ALBA. Barcelona, Spain

Metabolomics and lipidomics to improve diagnosis and nutritional therapy in obesity-related diseases


Manuel Pazos - Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas (IIM-CSIC). Vigo, Spain

Presentation of the lecturer Mr. Francisco Corzana

Francisco Corzana - Department of Chemistry

Presentation of the lecturer Mr. Manuel Mendoza

Manuel Mendoza - Department of Biochemistry, Genetics and Immunology

Hunting new potential TB-biomarkers by RNA-Seq


Manuel Mendoza - Department of Biochemistry, Genetics and Immunology

(Questions) Hunting new potential TB-biomarkers by RNA-Seq

Manuel Mendoza - Department of Biochemistry, Genetics and Immunology

Presentation of the Lecturer Dª. Paula Casal-Beiroa

Paula Casal Beiroa - Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de A Coruña

Optical biomarkers for the early diagnosis of osteoarthritis


Paula Casal Beiroa - Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de A Coruña

(Questions) Optical biomarkers for the early diagnosis of osteoarthritis

Paula Casal Beiroa - Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de A Coruña

Presentation of the Lecturer D ª. Mar Rodríguez-Girondo

Mar Rodríguez Girondo - Leiden University Medical Center. The Netherlands

Integration of omic datasets in biomedical prediction models: statistical challenges


Mar Rodríguez Girondo - Leiden University Medical Center. The Netherlands

(Questions) Integration of omic datasets in biomedical prediction models: statistical challenges

Mar Rodríguez Girondo - Leiden University Medical Center. The Netherlands

Presentation of the Lecturer D ª. Sarah De Marchi Lourenço

Sarah De marchi Lourenço - Department of Physical Chemistry

Metal nanoparticles@MOF nanocomposites as SERS tags for biodetection


Sarah De marchi Lourenço - Department of Physical Chemistry

Presentation of the Lecturer Dª. Lorena Diéguez

Lorena Diéguez - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory. Braga, Portugal

Liquid Biopsy: what can the KETs do for precision medicine?


Lorena Diéguez - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory. Braga, Portugal

(Questions) Liquid Biopsy: what can the KETs do for precision medicine?

Lorena Diéguez - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory. Braga, Portugal

Presentation of the Lecturer Dª. Thais Pereira-Veiga

Thais Pereira Veiga - Oncomet. IDIS, Health Research Institute of Santiago - CIBERONC. Spain

CTCs-derived xenograft development in a triple negative breast cancer case


Thais Pereira Veiga - Oncomet. IDIS, Health Research Institute of Santiago - CIBERONC. Spain

(Questions) CTCs-derived xenograft development in a triple negative breast cancer case

Thais Pereira Veiga - Oncomet. IDIS, Health Research Institute of Santiago - CIBERONC. Spain

Presentation of the lecturer Mr. Arturas Volianskis

Arturas Volianskis - Queen Mary University of London. United Kingdom

Pharmacological targeting of NMDA receptors and different forms of synaptic plasticity


Arturas Volianskis - Queen Mary University of London. United Kingdom

Presentation of the Lecturer Dª. Ana Isabel Fernández Mariño

Ana Isabel Fernández mariño - National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, NIH. United States of America

Understanding potassium channels architecture and gating


Ana Isabel Fernández mariño - National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, NIH. United States of America

(Questions) Understanding potassium channels architecture and gating

Ana Isabel Fernández mariño - National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, NIH. United States of America

Presentation of the lecturer Mr. Carlos Palo-Nieto

Carlos Pablo Nieto - Uppsala Universitet. Sweden

Synthesis of complex carbohydrates and potential angiotensin II AT2R ligands


Carlos Pablo Nieto - Uppsala Universitet. Sweden

Selective melanoma treatment using a targeted chemo-photo thermal therapy


Sergio Gómez Graña - Instituto de Investigación Hospital 12 de Octubre. Madrid, Spain

(Questions) Selective melanoma treatment using a targeted chemo-photo thermal therapy

Sergio Gómez Graña - Instituto de Investigación Hospital 12 de Octubre. Madrid, Spain

PanDrugs: novel method to prioritize anticancer drug treatments according to individual genomic data


Elena Piñeiro Yáñez - Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO). Madrid, Spain

Presentation of the Lecturer D ª. Rocío Castro-Viñuelas

Rocío Casro Viñuelas - Department of Biomedical Sciences, medicine and physiotherapy

Generation of human induced pluripotent stem cell lines from patients with hand osteoathritis


Rocío Casro Viñuelas - Department of Biomedical Sciences, medicine and physiotherapy

(Questions) Generation of human induced pluripotent stem cell lines from patients with hand osteoathritis

Rocío Casro Viñuelas - Department of Biomedical Sciences, medicine and physiotherapy