Is Environmental Protection Beneficial for the Environment?

1006 visualizacións 25 de xuño de 2014

The Atlantic Workshop on Energy and Environmental Economics (AWEEE) is a biennial scientific meeting, born in 2004, which is organized by Economics for Energy with the collaboration of the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW). The workshop has become an important outlet for the discussion and debate on state-of-the-art research on energy and environmental issues, with a limited number of participants who come from all around the world. The AWEEE combines keynote lectures on specific topics by prestigious academics with the presentation of research by invited speakers and by other participants through an open call for papers.

Alberto Ansuategui

Information v. Energy Efficiency Incentives

Evidence from Residential Electricity Consumption in Maryland

Anna Alberini -

Heterogeneity in the Response to Gasoline Prices

Evidence from Pennsylvania and Implications for the Rebound Effect

Kenneth Gillingham -

Press conference

Xabier Labandeira - Director do Máster en Xestión do Desenvolvemento Sostible (MXDS)

How Effective Are Energy-efficiency Incentive Programs?

Evidence from Italian Homeowners

Andrea Bigano -

The Impact of Energy Prices on Energy Efficiency

Evidence from the UK Refrigerator Market

Matthieu Glachant -

Environmental Fiscal Incentives: Effectiveness or Free-riding Effect?

An Econometric Evaluation of the French Energy Tax Credit

Anna Risch -

Projection Bias in Household Investment

The Case of Solar Photovoltaics in Germany

Stefen Lamp -

Endogenous Price Asymetries in the Fuel Market

An Application to the Spanish Case

Rafaela M. Pérez-Sánchez -

Explaining Trends in Aggregate and Sectoral Energy Intensity

The Composition and Technique Effects Revised

Claudio Baccianti -

Split Incentives and Energy Efficiency

Empirical Analysis and Policy Options

Dorothee Charlier -

The Grey Paradox

How Owners Of Carbon-emitting Resources Can Benefit From Optimal Carbon Taxation

Renaud Coulomb -

Paying Enough Taxes Already?

Testing the Acceptability of Carbon Taxes with Survey Data

Stefano Carattini -

Bigger Cakes with Less Ingredients?

A Comparison of Material Use of the World Economy

Frank Pothen -