Presentation of Ariela Freedman

556 visualizacións 16 de mar. de 2016

<p> Charlotte Salomon, Graphic Artist: A Feminist Lineage for Jewish Women’s Comics. <br/> <br/>
Ariela Freedman . Concordia University, Montreal. <br/> <br/>
Coordina a actividade: Teresa Caneda. Investigadora Principal do Grupo de Investigación NETEC. <br/> <br/>
Patrocina a actividade: Unidade de Igualdade. <br/> <br/>
The work of Charlotte Salomon Life? Or Theatre?_may not be exactly a comic, but it is instead something richer and stranger: a graphic narrative of an ambition and scale that has not yet been replicated, that in many ways anticipates the conventions and preoccupations of contemporary graphic memoirs. This presentation will use the semiotic vocabulary developed by comics theorists to explore Salomon's use of word and image, to argue for Salomon's place in the emergent comics "canon" and her importance as a multidisciplinary artist. </p>

Presenta: Teresa Caneda Cabrera
Profesora Titular del Dpto. de Filoloxía Inglesa, Francesa y Alemana e Investigadora Principal del Grupo de Investigación NETEC, Universidade de Vigo
Ariela Freedman
Concordia University. Montreal